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Easy Share Communication Technology Co., Limited
Fabricante personalizado
Hong Kong S.A.R. Ver localização exata
Principais produtos:
Número da classificação 9 _i18n_mod_start_`shopmodule.shopsign.rankresponse_i18n_mod_end_ em Jogos Operados por MoedaFull customizationCompetitive OEM factoryYears in industry(5)

Claw Machine

In bustling shopping centers, there is always a corner that attracts children's attention - the doll machine. In these colorful machines, there are various cute dolls placed, ranging from small and exquisite animal shapes to delicate and delicate character images, each of which seems to be calling for children to explore.

Whenever children pass by the doll machine, they are always attracted by those cute dolls and can't help but stop, stare wide eyed, and curiously observe every detail. They fantasized about being able to catch their favorite doll with their own hands, bring it home, and become their loyal companions.